Monday 17 September 2012

The best reaction to Lindsay Lohan’s Twitter swipe at Amanda Bynes

                                Amanda Bynes, subject of Lohan’s tweet-rage. (Peter Kramer - AP)

In case you missed a Celebritology post here or there, Amanda Bynes has been getting herself in all kinds of trouble lately for such things as alleged DUIs, alleged driving on suspended licenses and other assorted car-related nonsense that, for legal reasons, must be preceded by the word alleged.
That has upset Lindsay Lohan, who apparently feels that justice is not being served. Last night, she tweeted this question to express her outrage.
Why, indeed? responded the Internet, which has since had a (freaky) field (fri)day retweeting Lohan's tweet, in an attempt to get a solid answer. (“This calls for an investigation!” shouted the editors of Propublica, in my imagination.)
An answer has not revealed itself, other than the obvious one, which is that Bynes has not yet been sentenced for any of the alleged things she allegedly did, allegedly allegedly allegedly. Nevertheless, one person has responded to today’s Silly Online Topic of Celebrity Inanity in exactly the right way.
That person is Damon Lindelof. Because, as any thinking person already knows, whatever is happening with Amanda Bynes as well as Lindsay Lohan is actually about “Lost.”
Yes, gossip about troubled celebrities —or for that matter, pretty much everything — all leads back to the island. Once you learn that, life becomes so much simpler. Also, kind of confusing.

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